
Cellphones starts with Samuel Morse. He conceived of an electromagnetic telegraph in 1832 and constructed an experimental version in 1835. Then, on October 18, 1842, Morse laid wires between Governor's Island and Castle Garden, New York, a distance of about a mile. Part of that circuit was under water because Morse wanted to show that an underwater cable could transmit signals as well as a copper wire suspended on poles. In 1843, a chemist name Michael Faraday began exhaustive research into whether space could indeed conduct electricity, using the principles already established by telegraphy. In 1864, James Clerk Maxwell released his paper "Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field" which concluded that light, electricity, and magnetism, were all related. All of these worked hand in hand, and all electromagnetic phenomena traveled in waves.

           Globe Galaxy means world wide mobile that can be use in any part of the world. Globe Galaxy is a part of Samsung Industry; we only sell Samsung mobile phones like our latest mobile phone The Samsung Galaxy S II brings it up a notch — a powerful and sexy Android superphone that comes with all the bells and whistles. The very thin frame of the Galaxy S II gives it that sexy appeal. Just like its predecessor, it’s mostly made out of polymer making it very light and almost unnoticeable in the pocket and its large 4.3-inch screen. The bright and crisp display of the Galaxy S II is one of its best features. The AMOLED Plus display is among the best screens we’ve seen on a phone — deep contrast, vivid colors, smooth display quality and a low-power consumption. At the back panel is the huge 8MP camera and there’s a little protrusion at the bottom end is where the audio speakers are placed. The Galaxy S II unit that we’re using has a slightly lower specification. It still even has the dual-core 1.0GHz processor. The battery is also rated at 6.11Wh that gives us about a full 2 days with mostly calls and SMS with light WiFi browsing.